Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Emancipation Proclamation is one of the most important documents next to the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights. The Emancipation Proclamation was formed and signed by President Licoln on January 1 1863. this bill was the law that set the slaves free from the shackles of slavery.
when the slaves were free they jumped into the air with glee.Were they treated good? not exactly. some of the free africans did not go. Why? because some of them had no place to go.The exslave owners were mad because they had no more slaves. They new what they had was human, they new what they had was real, they new that the blacks were people just like them. Black power.

Black people were finally free after 100's of years of hate and hard work but while african americans were celebrating it didnt stop the hate it made it worse and the hate would unroll in the years to come but they were ready to fight the power.

Black power.

1 comment:

BelThorne said...

Could you say who you are?