This is a picture of sherman and his generals. Whay sherman did in the civil war is much like what is happening today. In iraq peoples homes are being torn down because of bombs. They are suffering much like the people in georgia. In Atlanta young people were taking there own guns and shooting at shermans men. This is also happening in iraq where we see kids with machine guns. These kids who are around the age 10 minds are so crazy because it is wrong for kids that age to shoot at people and see the deaths of so many me and women that are also in there family. (This is how shermans march is related to today)

Above is a picture of sheman's head quarters in Savannah Georgia. In Savannah the government told every citizen and negro that everyone can fight like a soldier if you have an axe or a gun you can work like a soldier STAY FIRM! It did not work the government even tried to have all the people fled they said to burn everything you could not carry and to burn all the bridges, block up all sherman's routes.

Above is a picture of
sherman and his men. They have just burned down a rail road station on there way to Atlanta. Sherman and his men headed for Atlanta. They ripped up 300 miles of railroad along the way. Sherman also destroyed anything in his way. Though sherman was out to destroy he captured 5,000 horses, 4,
000 mules, and 13,000 pounds of cattle. After capturing Atlanta sherman had gotten 150 guns and ammunition as well 25,
000 bales of cotton. As sherman march destroyed Atlanta he went through many plantations where he let all of the slaves free. Most of the slaves had know where to go so they separated there owners land amongst themselves.

By Levi Dorr and Nathan Edwards (Deborah's Design team)
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