The term "Jim Crow" was formed in a theater when a white man darkened his face and sang the song, "Jump Jim Crow!"
This is a picture of how the Jim Crow Laws have affected kids.
ARTISTS STATEMENTSMy name is Lauren Meininger, co-artist of this art peice. Andrew and I studied the Jim Crow Laws for our quilt piece. Our piece is really about the segregation that the Jim Crow Laws implemented. It shows that for part of it, even though they were free slaves, many of them still had to work on plantations to get enough money for their families to live off of. While doing my research, it came more and more apparent to me that the Jim Crow Laws were evil. They inspired the Klu Klux Klan, and no good came from that. African Americans should have equal rights, bit the Jim Crow Laws denied them that. I enjoyed making this quilt piece to show what the Jim Crow Laws were.
My name is Andrew Wheeler, we studied the Jim Crow Laws. The line through the middle of the paperis a line showing the segregation. On the top, the white side, the fancy circle is an expensive umbrella symbolizing riches. Next to that is a Klu Klux Klan hat showing dirty rottenness intwined with riches. Since the term "Jim Crow" was a stage act, I have happy sad masks for both sides. On the black side, the pitchfork symbolizes the manual labor of the blacks. The open manicals on top show the slaves being freed, but still tethered down by the ball on the bottom.
Helloooooo Andrew... this jim crow law piece was fabulous. I also liked the quilt piece.
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