Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Underground Railroad

a badly beaten slave
cotton that the slaves picked

The under ground railroad wasn't a railroad. Actually the slaves followed the north star to freedom.
They used songs and quilts also. The under ground railroad was made by Harriett Tubman. The people involved: Fredrick Douglas, Ellen Craft, Harriett Tubman, and all slaves.

after President Lincoln declared the emancipation proclamation all the slaves were freed so there was no need for the under ground railroad.

slaves where mostly used for picking cotton and framing.

" slaves where very badly Beat and whipped. no man should never be treated this way. we have all ways have depend on a lower class but never like this. no man should never own another man.
i am glad to say i am the man who says no man should own another, no man should beat another man"
Noah Goodwin.
k ;kljj
Some slave owners would have a baby with a slave and then he would teat that slave (and the baby) very nicely. he would give them more food and water and nececities. sometimes he would even let them not work for a little while

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