This is a letter sent to a general in the war who happened to be teaching blacks in his spare time and got caught and his duties were taken away and was sent to jail just for giving a black person an education during his spare time.

A group of slaves in the north who were fortunate enough to at least get an education with out breaking to many rules behind peoples backs. although the education may not be a sophisticated as a white males but it would be able to get them through times were it is required to have an education.

Fredrick Douglas, who many of you know that he was a slave, and while he was enslaved his master taught him how to read write and do easy math problems. So when he got set free he was able to know his rights to the constitution.

This is a typical group of slaves at their masters headquarters. A group like this had no education of simple math problems like 2+2 or knowing how to read this meant that if they were to ever get set free they would get discriminated there, too.
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