Alina and Paige
This is a guy that was whipped by his watcher for complaining it took 3 months to heal from the beating. As shown in the picture he has deep wounds and scars from the beatings.

Some slaves were whipped by the watchers. (the people that watched the slaves work to make sure that they were actually working). Slaves were whipped when they misbehaved or complained

Some white people did believe in abolishing slavery for children and I guess adults. But not all white people were racist and for slavey.

Kids and adults working in a cotton field.

A picture of kids and an adult on a plantation where they work. Kids were used to pick cotton, and or other crops on the plantations.

Slaves working on a cotton plantation. In case you didn't notice, kids are also working to pick the cotton. Usually kids were sold away from their parents and siblings. It would be unlikely to be living on the plantation with your biological family.

Another ad of the selling of slaves, posted by slave traders. The African American's were obviously degraded in the poster. They were being sold as though they were objects not people.
This is an ad of the selling of soon to be slaves, stating that they were well taken care of.
Slaves were transported in ships, called slavers. They were chained like prisoners to shelves less than three feet apart. To make more money slave traders would feed and exercise the slaves.

This picture represents the slaves being chained together and transported to the plantations on the slavers. (ships)

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