to the left, this is Ulysses Grant as President. He was the 18th President. He
was president through years 1869-1877. He
represented illinois and was a republican, although now days, he would be consider
ed a democrat.

below, is Lieutenant General Ulysses Simpson Grant. This picture was taken after the capture of Fort Donelson. This was one of his younger photos
Left: This is a sketch drawing of West Point Military Academy. Hiram Grant attended there having no intention of being enrolled in the military. He wanted to be a teacher at West Point.

Before enrolling in the military, Grants real name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. Not liking the fact that his initials spelled "hug" he changed his name to Ulysses S. Grant.

In the picture to the left,General Grant is tipping
his hat to his
troops at the battle of cold harbor.
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