The laws were enforced by the courts. In the case of Plessy v Fersguson, Plessy , who was considered a black man, was told to move from the white section of the train. He refused to move and the next time he deliberately sat in the white section. He was arrested. He appealed

The laws were also enforced by violence. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was a group started by confederate veterans in about 1865. It included mayors, judges, and sheriffs. They disguised themselves and went after the African Americans and European Americans who did not follow the Jim Crow laws. They engaged also in random violence against African Americans. They used cross burnings, throat cutting, lynching, and gunning them down. They also burned churches and schools. The Klan activities ended in 1872 but came back again strong in 1915. There are still Klansmen today.
Emma C & Laura (Deborah's Design Team)
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