These tools were used by the doctors and nurses in the civil war. They used this for amputations. They were not careful about there tools and often did not clean them after using it on a patient. There type of amputation was numbing the leg or other body part then cutting it off this was normally done when the civil war soldiers were awake and not sleeping. It could be a very painful job.
The place where the amputations and other treatments were done was in the field hospitals where the people were often sitting outside waiting to go into the tent where the doctors were. Many times people could easily die in the field hospitals because there were only 87 doctors for each armies, north and south. many were in pain out there and those who were sick were spreading there disease to many men making the doctors job twice as hard. Also the men had blankets and often shared them also spreading disease.
This image above is a picture of soldiers that have died on battle. These soldiers were not always healthy even though they went out to battle. Many had disease such as typhoid, measles, scurvy, small pox, and tuberculosis. A lot of the men did not know they had any disease until it was to late and they were in battle. They had no choice but to keep on fighting and that often spread the disease and made there disease so bad they died on the battle field like some of the men in this picture.
These men were very poorly fed and became so sick that they weighed just over 50 pounds. The camps were very harsh and often had trouble feeding all the men to the point where they could look like this. The men who were like this were very weak so they could barley keep them selves up. Other men could have disease where they through up so much that they lose most a lot of weight like these men could have done. They also could have a fatal disease of diarrhea where there body poops out every food that goes in them so they can not live because they can not eat.
Who posted this?
Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team
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